Sunday, November 15, 2009

Holiday BLEND!


You are what it feels like to cross 110th street. You make me feel like I need a 38, a mustache, and a tight pair of polyester bell bottoms. Scratch that I don't wear bell bottoms.. no way! What I mean is you are a "crowd-pleaser". I don't care what they say about dark roasts...YOU are the exception. You are so sweet and smooth. You are so velvety, rich and round-bodied. Listen Holiday your low acidity makes me wanna cuddle, ok? If you took human form you would be Jackie Brown. Your so hot love your hair.


Everyman Espresso

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Holiday BLEND! (update)

Here's an update on Finca Nueva Armenia! I pulled this video off the Counter Culture Coffee website.

Above is a video featuring all the tiny seedlings of native plants the Rencinos family will plant as part of a reforestation project on their farm Finca Nueva Armenia(FNA). Located in Huehuetenango, Guatemala FNA has also been declared a "Forest Preserve". The Recinos are dedicated to improving the environment as well as encouraging bio-diversity on their farm. Taking better care of the farm means better coffee, but it also means 375,000 lbs of carbon emissions will be offset each year FOREVER...

HAPPY HOLIDAYS and F you Carbon Emissions Love, Holiday

Wednesday, November 4, 2009



I will update this when I get a chance to cup the melange, but I have to give a shout out to Finca Nueva Armenia(FNA) in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Counter Culture is doing a Vienna Melange aka a blend of different roast profiles of the same origin. It most definitely will be awesome, but there's a bonus. One dollar on every bag sold will be donated to FNA to help them plant avocado trees on their farm. Every 3 bags sold equals a tree. SO COOL!'



LISTEN! I get it people who have heart conditions, insomniacs, and old people can't have caffeine. Everyman Espresso is now pulling decaf Rustico. It is, like most decafs, lacking body. However, it tastes pretty damn good. It is sweet and very smoky. It reminds me of molasses and hickory wood smoked bacon. I'm talking down on the farm green acres type shit. I'm not saying I need it, but I will say I admire the folks that love the taste of coffee so much they have decaf everyday.
Sorry Half-Caffs suck, we don't do that.

All for Love,
